Find A Prohealth Nationally Certified Pilates Instructor Near You!
Arizona (AZ)
Janet Hutson, PT, CPI, CSCI
Glendale Arizona
Phone: (703) 303-9245
Email: janetmariahutson@gmail.com
L.A. Campbell, DPT, MSCS, CPI
Vortex Wellness Concepts, LLC
3120 W Stephens Place
Chandler, AZ 85226
Website: www.vortexwellnessconcepts.com
California (CA)
Barbara Davila, PTA, CPI
Carmel Mountain Rehab & Healthcare
11895 Avenue of Industry
San Diego, CA 92128
Phone: (301) 520-6897
Email: linsueggy@aol.com
Shawna Crescenzo
Core Restore
Phone: (858) 752-2813
Email: shawnacrescenzo@yahoo.com
Colorado (CO)
Jacquelyn Honeyfield
Advanced Healthcare of Aurora (AHC)
1800 S. Potomac Street
Aurora, CO 80012
Phone: (303) 757-3114
Email: jackiehoneyfield@hotmail.com
Hillary Joseph
Blue Sky Pilates and Wellness
155 S. Madison St Ste 303
Denver, CO 80209
Email: hillaryjoseph@blueskypt.com
Jennifer Lane
Holistic PT
6650 W. 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Phone: (303) 917-8952
Email: jennlanept@gmail.com
Connecticut (CT)
Casey E. Sarmiere, PT, CPI
RVNA Health Rehab & Wellness Center
27 Governor Street
Ridgefield, CT 06877
Email: ceecopt@yahoo.com
Website: www.rvnahealth.org
Georgia (GA)
Lisa Dougherty
Oaks at Oakland Plantation
166 Oakland Parkway
Leesburg, GA 31763
Phone: (770) 316-0601
Email: elitewellnessinc@aol.com
Laura Schell, MPT, CSCI, DPT
Integrate2 Physical Therapy
110 Evans Mill Drive, Suite 206
Dallas, GA 30157
Phone: (678) 909-9278
Email: Lschell67@gmail.com or integrate2pt@gmail.com
Website: www.integrate2pt.com
Illinois (IL)
Colleen Bacino, CPI
Coltone Inc.
5011 N. Kolmar
Chicago, IL 60630
Phone: (773) 972-7213
Email: collcow@yahoo.com
Iowa (IA)
Angela Ertl, PPI, CSCI
Third Power PT
2822 Beaver Ave
Des Moines, IA 50310
(515) 689-1255
Email: angie@thirdpowerpt.com
Website: www.thirdpowerpt.com
Kansas (KS)
Renee Rettele, MSPT, CPI
LMH Health
325 Maine Street
Lawrence, KS 66044
Phone: (785) 550-1612
Email: reneerettele@gmail.com
Website: www.lmh.org
Sarah Wilson, PT
Pilates Fusion LLC
14410 Briar Street
Leawood, KS 66224
Phone: (913) 568-5925
Email: sarahvill@hotmail.com
Website: www.pilatesfusionks.com
Maryland (MD)
Melissa Carman
12215 Stoney Bottom Rd.
Germantown, MD 20874
Phone: (202)-431-4346
Email: melalex25@yahoo.com
Therese McNerney, DPT, PPI, CSCI
Precision Health and Fitness
6550 Rock Spring Drive, Suite 155
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: (301)-564-6022
Email theresemcnerney@me.com
Website: www.precisionhealthandfitness.com
Keva Price
Pilates Center of Rockville & Club Pilates Laurel
Phone: 301-326-3655
Email: kevapricepilates@gmail.com
Website: www.pilatescenterofrockville.com
Marcie Schwartz, MPT
Precision Health and Fitness
6550 Rock Spring Drive, Suite 155
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: (301)-564-6022
Email: mlynn472@hotmail.com
Dawn Topper, PTA
Rehab at Work
Baltimore, MD
Phone: 410-866-3855
Massachusetts (MA)
Michelle Caty
Flaherty Physical Therapy, Inc.
411 West Main Street Suite 3
Northborough, MA 01532
Website: www.flahertyphysicaltherapy.com
Lori Engel, MSPT, CPI
Hampshire Regional YMCA
286 Prospect Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Phone: (413)-875-2493
Email: loriengelpt@gmail.com
Website: www.hrymca.org
Jayne M. Lewis
Spaulding Wellesley Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinic
65 Walnut Street, Suites 250, 260
Wellesley Hills, MA 02184
Phone: (857) 231-1343
Email: jmlewis@partners.org
Website: www.spauldingrehab.org/locations/wellesley-outpatient
Michigan (MI)
Eva Barna, PPI
Elite Eurhythmic Body LLC
455 Cherry Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Email: elitefit2002@gmail.com
New Jersey (NJ)
Karinne Camens, PT, CPI
CentraState Medical Center
1312 Applegarth Road
Monroe Twp, NJ 08831
Phone: (609) 662-5210
Email: kcamens@centrastate.com
Erolina Matthews, PT, CSCI
Define PT & Personal Care
2 Ives Place
Matawan, NJ 07747
Phone: (732)-757-9998
Email: neekaah@gmail.com
New York (NY)
Velma Davis-Wheeler
Lakeview Physical Therapy
1021 Pinelake Drive
West Hemsptead NY 11552
Email: PTandPilates@gmail.com
Website: lakeviewphysicaltherapy.com
Melinda Stoski
Perform Physical Therapy & Pilates
2421 Long Beach Road
Oceanside, NY 11572
Website: www.performpt.org
Karena Wu
Active Care Physical Therapy
12 West 37th St #1202
New York, NY 10018
Email: karena@bestptnyc.com
Website: www.bestptnyc.com
North Dakota (ND)
Jamie Bowman, PTA
Altru Health System
1300 S Columbia Road
Grand Forks, ND 58201
Phone: (701)-780-2459
Email: jbowman@altru.org
Website: www.altru.org
Ohio (OH)
Donna Gambino
Infinity Health Therapeutic Pilates LLC
5311 Othello Drive
Franklin, OH 45005
Phone: 734-377-1055
Email: infinityhealth1985@gmail.com
Website: www.infinityhealth.org
Youtube: Infinity Health Pilates
Lisa Kelly
Alternative Physical Therapy
2526 N. Reynolds Road
Toledo, OH 43615
Phone: 419-578-4357
Email: info@alternativephysicaltherapy.com
Website: www.alternativephysicaltherapy.com
Robyn McHugh
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
7777 Yankee Liberty Township
Cincinnati, OH 45044
Email: robyn.byrnes@cchmc.org
Website: www.cincinnatichildrens.org
Lori Ross
215 W Bowery Street
Akron, OH 44308-2110
Email: lross@akronchildrens.org
Website: www.akronchildrens.org
Oklahoma (OK)
Mary Kay Carter, PT, CPI
Phone: (918) 857-6068
Email: ptmk1@cox.net
Pennsylvania (PA)
Mary Benson, PT, CPI
969 Eisenhower Blvd
Johnston, PA 15904
Phone: (814)-269-4355
Email: mebenson@novacare.com
Kristin Cummings, CPI
North Hills Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy
Sewickley, PA 15143
Phone: (724) 944-1797
Email: ktamm02@yahoo.com
Website: www.nhospt.com
Kristina Dorkoski, PT, DPT, NCS, PYT, CPI
Allied Services/Heinz Rehab
150 Mundy St., Medical Arts Center North
Wilkes-Barre Twp., PA 18702
Phone: (570) 830-4215
Email: kdorko@allied-services.org
Website: www.allied-services.org
Stephanie Muntzer, MPT, CPI
Rebalance Physical Therapy
319 Price Avenue
Narberth, PA 19072
Email: smuntzer@verizon.net
Website: www.rebalancept.com
Tara M. Shilcosky, PTA, CPI
NovaCare Rehabilitation
969 Eisenhower Blvd Suite 1A
Johnston, PA 15904
Phone: (814)-269-4355
Email: tshilcosky@novacare.com
Website: www.novacare.com
Amanda Urso, DPT, CSCI
Amedisys Home Care
480 Johnson Road Suite 200
Washington, PA 15301
Phone: (724)-288-3026
Email: amandaurso@yahoo.com
Website: www.amedisys.com
South Carolina (SC)
Jessica Moore
Phone: (571) 225-5773
Email: jessica.k.lafreniere@gmail.com
Texas (TX)
"Dee" Virginia Ellis, PTA, LMT, CPI
5702 S Staples, Suite F2-C
Corpus Christi, TX 78413
Phone: (361) 720-2815
Email: darshanama@aol.com
Colleen Grafa
The Rehabilitation Center
1216 Hillcrest Dr.
Sherman, TX 75092
Phone: (903) 821-3701
Website: www.trcsherman.com
Skie Molinar-Trevino
Skies the Limit Wellness and Fitness Clinic
San Antonio, Texas
Email: skiesthelimit@satx.rr.com
Website: www.skiesfitness.com
Utah (UT)
Chery Clark
Body and Sport Refinery, PLLC
Provo, UT
Email: chery@bodyandsportrefinery.com
Website: bodyandsportrefinery.com
Washington (WA)
Carol Munsey, PT
Phone: (253) 753-6417
Email: cemunsey@nventure.com
Wisconsin (WI)
Jane Detert
Aspirus Wausau Hospital
333 Pine Ridge Blvd
Wausau, WI 54401
Janeen Hellenbrand, PT, CPI
UnityPoint-Meriter Monona
6408 Copps Avenue
Monona, WI 53716
Phone: (608) 516-4600
Email: janeen.hellenbrand@unitypoint.org
Janell Strupp, PT
Vibrant Health Integrative Physical Therapy, LLC
488 New Plat St.
Allenton, WI 53002
Email: janell@vibranthealthpt.com
Mikealynn Trimberger-Hendrickson
Empower Pilates, LLC
627 Fremont Street
Kiel, WI 53042
Email: mikealynnt@yahoo.com
Shelly Prosko, PT, PYT, CPI
Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada